CD Rates

CD Rates Help

A certificate of deposit, or CD, is one of the safest and most predictable investments around. As long as the CD is backed by the FDIC, it's guaranteed not to lose principal, and in most cases, investors can count on earning a stable return for the full term of the CD. Find out more about the factors that you need to consider when choosing a CD below.

  • Term

    The length of time until the CD matures and the money deposited within can be withdrawn without penalty.

  • APY

    Short for annual percentage yield, APY is the total return of the CD per year, taking into account the beneficial effect of compounding.

  • Rate

    The percentage of the CD's principal paid out annually in interest. Does not take into account the effect of compounding.

  • Minimum deposit

    The minimum amount of money you need to open a particular CD. Banks may be willing to pay higher rates of interest on CDs with higher minimum deposits.

  • FDIC-insured

    Short for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the FDIC is an independent government-backed agency that covers the deposits of accountholders at FDIC-insured banks. FDIC-insured deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, and since the agency was established in 1933, no depositor has lost a single cent of insured principal.

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Many institutions have different rates on their own websites than those posted on In order to get the rate, please identify yourself as a customer. Rates are subject to change without notice and may vary branch to branch. These quotes are from banks, thrifts, and credit unions, some of whom have paid for a link to their own Web site where you can find additional information. Bank and thrift deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Credit union deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

1 month CD

1 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 month IRA CD

1 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 month jumbo CD

1 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 month jumbo IRA CD

1 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 yr CD

1 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 yr IRA CD


1 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 year Individual retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 yr jumbo CD

1 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


1 yr jumbo IRA CD

1 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 1 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


18 month CD


18 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 18 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


18 month IRA CD


18 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 18 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


18 month jumbo CD


18 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 18 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


18 month jumbo IRA CD


18 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 18 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 month CD


2 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 month IRA CD


2 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 month jumbo CD

2 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 month jumbo IRA CD


2 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 yr CD


2 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 yr IRA CD


2 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 yr jumbo CD


2 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2 yr jumbo IRA CD


2 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2.5 yr CD


2.5 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2.5 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2.5 yr IRA CD


2.5 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2.5 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2.5 yr jumbo CD


2.5 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2.5 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


2.5 yr jumbo IRA CD


2.5 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 2.5 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month $25K CD


3 month $25K Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month $25K Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month $25K IRA CD

3 month $25K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month $25K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month $50K CD

3 month $50K Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month $50K Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states. rate information is collected on the smallest deposit required to open and earn interest stated. For this 3 month $50,000 Certificate of Deposit best rate accounts are offered across 50 United States states.


3 month $50K IRA CD


3 month $50K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month $50K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month CD


3 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month IRA CD

3 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month jumbo CD


3 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 month jumbo IRA CD


3 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 yr CD

3 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 yr IRA CD


3 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 yr jumbo CD

3 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


3 yr jumbo IRA CD

3 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 3 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


4 yr CD


4 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 4 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


4 yr IRA CD

4 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 4 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


4 yr jumbo CD

4 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 4 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


4 yr jumbo IRA CD


4 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 4 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


5 yr CD


5 year Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 5 year Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


5 yr IRA CD


5 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 5 year Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


5 yr jumbo CD


5 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 5 year jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


5 yr jumbo IRA CD


5 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 5 year jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month $25K CD


6 month $25K Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month $25K Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month $25K IRA CD


6 month $25K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month $25K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month $50K CD


6 month $50K Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month $50K Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month $50K IRA CD


6 month $50K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month $50K Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month CD

6 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month IRA CD

6 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month jumbo CD

6 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month jumbo Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


6 month jumbo IRA CD


6 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 6 month jumbo Individual Retirement Account Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. The rate and yield assumes that principal and interest are left on deposit for the term of the Certificate of Deposit. It is a good rule to remember that the higher the term of Certificate of Deposit, higher the interest paid. In other words longer maturity Certificate of Deposits earn greater rate of return on principal balance plus accrued interest(power of compounding). Rate information is collected on the least deposit required to open and earn interest. We offer one hundred highest yields available across all states.


9 month CD

9 month Certificate of Deposit is federally insured up to the maximum allowable by government for this type of Certificate of Deposit. Insurance for credit unions is issued by National Credit Union Administration. Certificate of Deposit is a time deposit similar to savings accounts. Both are insured by Federal Government therefore virtually risk free. This 9 month Certificate of Deposit includes a withdrawal penalty when funds are withdrawn within first 7 business days. It is best that Certificate of Deposit be held until maturity so the money can be withdrawn as principal and entirety of the accrued interest. An FDIC-insured, 9-month fixed term jumbo ($100,000)depository account that is directly offered to individual consumers with no other relationship with the institution and eligible to be included in an individual retirement account (IRA). For credit unions, insurance is issued by NCUA. This account must include a withdrawal penalty if funds are withdrawn in the first 7 days. The stated rate and yield assume that principal and interest are left on deposit for the entire term of the CD. Best rate (100 Highest Yields) accounts are offered across all 50 states.

Certificates of Deposit

Standard CD Rate

1 mo CD 2 mo CD 3 mo CD 6 mo CD 9 mo CD 1 yr CD 18 mo CD
2 yr CD 2.5 yr CD 3 yr CD 4 yr CD 5 yr CD 3 mo CD-25K 3 mo CD-50K
6 mo CD-25K 6 mo CD-50K          

Jumbo CD Rate

1 mo Jumbo CD 2 mo Jumbo CD 3 mo Jumbo CD 6 mo Jumbo CD 9 mo Jumbo CD 1 yr Jumbo CD
18 mo Jumbo CD 2 yr Jumbo CD 2.5 yr Jumbo CD 3 yr Jumbo CD 4 yr Jumbo CD 5 yr Jumbo CD


1 mo CD-IRA 2 mo CD-IRA 3 mo CD-IRA 6 mo CD-IRA 9 mo CD-IRA 1 yr CD-IRA
18 mo CD-IRA 2 yr CD-IRA 2.5 Yr CD-IRA 3 yr CD-IRA 4 yr CD-IRA 5 yr CD-IRA
3 mo 25K CD-IRA 6 mo 25K CD-IRA 3 mo 50K CD-IRA 6 mo 50K CD-IRA    

CD-IRA Jumbo

1 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 2 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 3 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 6 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 9 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 1 yr Jumbo CD-IRA
18 mo Jumbo CD-IRA 2 yr Jumbo CD-IRA 2.5 yr Jumbo CD-IRA 3 yr Jumbo CD-IRA 4 yr Jumbo CD-IRA 5 yr Jumbo CD-IRA

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